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& Projects.

LOC THrift

Your donations get quickly into the hands of families and individuals in need - 100% stays local -DONATE - SHOP-VOLUNTEER. Our all-in-one donation drop off,  volunteer hub and unique shopping adventure! Urgent and emergency needs fulfilled here!

Summer Meals

 We regularly provide summer meals to individuals and families who are dependent on school lunches to help feed their children.  We also serve many others, particularly senior citizens who may be food insecure.  


Emergent need, stabilization and transitional housing - when there is a fire or other unexpected life event we are often called on to help.  Additionally, we have helped individuals and families find, furnish and become independent through our on-going housing programs. Our aim is to set up Lake Township people in need so that they can focus on getting back on their feet!


We can often be heard saying we are not about recreating the wheel, we work very diligently with individuals and families to see where we can connect to additional supports and services.  It may be connection to a dentist or our local FISH Food Pantry.  We are thankful for our strong partnerships.

Holiday Help

We partner WITH families during the Holiday seasons - Thanksgiving and Christmas. Our All families are referred thru a church, school or Fish Food Pantry.  The community comes together to meet these needs thru donations of tangible items as well as giving time to make the events successful..


Serving or volunteering is at the heart of LOC.  We are a place anyone can serve regardless of age or ability.  There is a place for you. Individuals, groups, large and small, clubs, one time or on-going we NEED you.  

Serving makes us all better humans!



Help Support Our Community

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