Our Vision.
is to be a community who serves together to address the unseen needs of our neighbors.
Our Mission.
is to be a neutral connecting point bringing neighbors together to raise awareness and cultivate relationships. We build trust and restore hope to those facing challenges related to housing insecurity.
Our Story.
In the spring of 2016, a dream began. A dream of businesses, churches, schools, and individuals coming together to provide an event for the community - a simple egg hunt. This event was a collaboration that surprised many but gave birth to the belief that TOGETHER we could make an impact to last.
That same summer there were three (3) fires, out of these challenging events this same collaboration birthed the Clothing Closet - an emergency resource for immediate needs.
Seeing the huge benefits of working together, the collaborations continued. As we continued to work together many needs were identified.
In the last parts of 2018, over 23 of our neighbors struggled with housing instability ~another way to say this is that they were homeless, many of them children. The sad reality is this IS OUR COMMUNITY. Many times communities do a very good job of pretending everything is "fine," when behind closed doors life is falling apart. As awareness grew and conversations continued almost every conversation went something like this ...'" this is unbelievable I've lived here my entire life, I had no idea" or "This can't be, I don't see people sleeping on the streets." We knew then we had to do something!
Fast forward, this dream is now Love Our Community, a 501(c)3 Non- Profit Organization. Love Our Community seeks to care for neighbors who are in need of tangible help, of relationships, of a place to serve.
Kelli Viscounte
Board of Trustees
Matt Zook
Founder & President
Howard Miller
Treasurer of the Board
Amanda Sainato
Stacey Truelove
Ross Miller
Immediate Past Chair
Rekita Adams
Pastoral Counselor Case Management
Administrative Assistant
Meredith Flaharty
LOC Warehouse Team
Nancy Hudak
LOC Warehouse Team